To make this quantum leap, you will need to follow eight key
Find the right paradigm for your business system
(I already did that for you)
Using this paradigm and the appropriate business
system description tools (e.g., BDL) derived from this paradigm, describe (‘visualize’)
the ‘ideal’ condition (‘state’) of
your company in which both your aggregate value and value-generating power of
your business system are maximized. Such description usually includes both visual diagrams and textual description and, therefore, follows a hypertext format. It also includes detailed and comprehensive
description of both the structure of your company and values of its KPI. A
vital requirement for the right description – no limits. Think that everything
is possible. In fact, this statement is much closer to the truth than you might
Using the same paradigm and tools, describe the current (‘AS IS’) condition of your
company. To come up with this description (which must be comprehensive,
well-structured, accurate and up-to-date), you will need to use both the
appropriate questions from the CBA Questionnaire (CBAQ) and values of
appropriate KPI.
Using both descriptions (‘ideal’ and ‘AS IS’)
and the same paradigm and tools, develop a detailed vision of your desired (‘target’)
condition (‘TO BE’). Which must be as close as possible to the ideal version,
but still realistic. In other words, with the maximum possible (and, therefore,
optimal) degree of ‘stretch’. Remember – almost all (in fact, practically all) limits are inside you, not outside. And no one can
stop you but yourself. Therefore, you
must go for the quantum leap, not
small improvements.
Develop financial
and operational plans (supported by all necessary corporate documentation)
for a quantum leap from ‘AS IS’ to ‘TO BE’. These plans must include both achievement
of target KPI values and corporate restructuring/re-engineering.
these plans (make the quantum leap)
the results. Which might require a few small improvements… or another quantum
When you are confident that you have, indeed,
made it (‘climbed the Mount Everest’), develop and deploy kaizen (‘continuous improvement’) system. Which must make sure that
you always stay on top. In other
words, operate at maximum value-generating performance
Can you really make such quantum leap? In the next section I
will demonstrate beyond the reasonable doubt that yes, you can. And must.
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