Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ideal company - knowledge management section

Knowledge management section in the description of an ‘ideal company’ includes the description of all key components of corporate knowledge management system – comprehensive corporate knowledge base (CKB), corporate cockpit interface into this CKB, computer hardware and software, corporate Intranet, corporate documents management system, and a very important CKB component – best management practices.  

Knowledge management component of an ideal company is based on a rock solid corporate information & knowledge management strategy, tightly integrated with all other corporate strategies. Obviously, this strategy in an ideal company must perfectly match your KEF, your DCI, and your corporate vision and mission statements.

An ideal company designs, builds and maintains a truly comprehensive (but lean!) corporate knowledge base. Comprehensive in a sense that it contains all data and information that can be transformed into all knowledge that company managers and professionals need to make the best decisions and execute them in a most efficient way (and thus to maximize this knowledge).

Corporate cockpit in an ideal company provides a uniform and easy-to-use interface into the CKB and knowledge mining tools that make it possible to access this knowledge – either via links to documents or using queries.

A crucial component of the CKB in an ideal company is the database of best management practices (BMP) supported by the proper methodology and procedure of identification, dissemination and adoption (through training, coaching, self-education, etc.) of these practices by corporate managers and specialists. It is exactly efficient identification and adoption of BMP that makes an ‘ideal’ company. The best of the best.

An ideal company deploys an optimal, well-integrated and high-synergy system of software products (‘items’). This system creates the maximum amount of financial and aggregate value by efficiently automating key business processes and knowledge management jobs.

An ideal company utilizes highly efficient software deployment, training and coaching system to ensure that corporate managers and specialists (a) use all software features and (b) use them in the most efficient way, thus getting the most out of every software product.

An ideal company deploys an optimal, tightly integrated and high-synergy system of computer hardware items (‘hardware platform’) that provides highly efficient support for comprehensive corporate knowledge base and the corporate software system.

An ideal company deploys an optimal, tightly integrated and high-synergy Intranet system that maximizes the efficiency of (a) horizontal and vertical collaboration in the company on generating financial and aggregate value; and (b) overall utilization of your human capital (ROI into your human capital). 

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