Friday, December 5, 2014

Comprehensive Corporate Objects Map

Comprehensive Corporate Objects Map (also called Key Business Management Diagram) s essentially an object-oriented equivalent to the Level 1 decomposition diagram in IDEF0 methodology.

Unlike IDEF0, BDL has no Level 0 (‘context’) diagram as the BDL object model does not have the tools which will allow to model the business entity as a single corporate object.

One fundamental difference is that IDEF0 is the process-oriented methodology and thus depicts Level 1 business processes while the BDEL diagram visualizes and structures all key objects (mission, vision, strategic plans, etc.) and object categories/classes (products/services, stakeholders, assets, etc.) at the highest level of corporate objects hierarchy.

The other fundamental difference is that IDEF0 does not allow to develop a comprehensive map of corporate processes (for the reasons that I covered before). BDL, on the contrary, allows to develop a truly comprehensive map of corporate objects, thus completely resolving the corporate transparency problem once and for all.

Using other ODL dialects, you can develop comprehensive corporate objects maps for other categories of organizations – government, NGO, academic, military, etc. 

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