Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ideal company - operations section

Operations section in the description of an ‘ideal company’ includes the description of the key components of corporate operational infrastructure: corporate projects, corporate processes, corporate tools and corporate risks management system.

Operational component of an ideal company is based on a rock solid operational strategy, tightly integrated with all other corporate strategies. Obviously, the operational strategy in an ideal company must perfectly match your KEF, your DCI, and your corporate vision and mission statements.

An ideal company builds and maintains an optimal portfolio of corporate projects using the optimal project initiation, evaluation, acceptance and execution methodology and procedure. Which ensure that this portfolio generates the maximum amount of financial and aggregate value for the company.

An ideal company designs and implements an optimal system of corporate processes using the optimal business process modeling, implementation and management methodology. Which ensures that this system generates the maximum amount of financial and aggregate value for the company.

An ideal company builds and maintains an optimal portfolio of corporate tools using the optimal methodology and procedure for tool identification, selection, acquisition, deployment, integration (into the whole business system), operation and liquidation. Which ensure that this portfolio generates the maximum amount of financial and aggregate value for the company.

An ideal company designs, implements and maintains an optimal risk management system based on a rock-solid corporate risk management methodology (including fraud prevention and investigation). This methodology ensures the optimal level of corporate risks (both potential and realized) and financial losses that maximizes the amount of generated financial and aggregate value. 

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