Wednesday, December 10, 2014

CBA - Structural Section

1.      Develop a comprehensive corporate objects map for your company – starting with CCOM and including all object decomposition diagrams. This will visualize all your corporate objects and will make the first step towards total corporate transparency

2.      Identify all missing objects needed for maximizing financial and aggregate value of your company. These will have to be added to your business system

3.      Identify all excessive (redundant) objects that stand in the way of maximizing financial and aggregate value of your company. These will have to be removed from your business system

4.      Identify all poorly structured objects in your business system (e.g. business units, regional branches, functional units, etc.). These will need to be restructured to maximize financial and aggregate value of your company

5.      Repeat steps 1-3 for your system of key performance indicators (KPI). Instead of corporate objects maps, you will need to use KPI maps and/or KPI trees

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