Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ideal company - strategic section

This section includes your business system structure, your corporate governance system, your system for monitoring your key external factors, your KPI system, your corporate history, your declaration of corporate identity (DCI), your mission and vision statements, your corporate strategies (general and functional), your strategic corporate objectives and your strategic plans (financial, operational and business plan).

An ideal company has an optimal structure of its business system – both comprehensive and lean. Which means that (a) all of its objects – documents, brands, products, etc. - are both necessary and sufficient for your company operations; (b) each object operates at the highest possible performance and (c) all objects are in a perfect synergy with each other.

An ideal company has an optimal structure of its KPI system – also both comprehensive and lean and accessible to all of its managers and professionals on a ‘need-to-know’ basis. This KPI system allows to see the comprehensive corporate performance picture at all times.

An ideal company develops a comprehensive list of all relevant key external factors (economic, political, legal, technology, etc.) and makes sure that these factors are (1) properly and efficiently monitored and (2) well-integrated into corporate decision-making process.

An ideal company has a comprehensive, well-structured, accurate and up-to-date description of its corporate history which is well-integrated into its corporate management system. And ensure the perfect harmony between corporate past, present and future.  

An ideal company has the optimal and highly efficient corporate governance system and optimal and highly efficient corporate decision-making procedures. Which ensure that corporate managers make the best possible decisions that are executed in the most efficient way possible.

An ideal company has the comprehensive (but lean!), logically sound and emotionally inspiring declaration of corporate identity (DCI). Which became a rock-solid core for the whole business system, its mission and vision statements and for the corporate culture.

An ideal company develops and implements a comprehensive (but lean!), challenging, logically sound and emotionally inspiring mission and vision statements that match the corporate key external factors (KEF), corporate history and the DCI.  

An ideal company develops and implements a comprehensive set of corporate strategies (general, marketing, financial, etc.) for implementing the corporate vision. These strategies must have a perfect synergy between themselves and perfectly match the corporate KEF, corporate history and the DCI.

An ideal company develops a comprehensive set of strategic corporate objectives – financial (revenues, profits, free cash flow, financial value) and non-financial (market share, customer satisfaction). These strategies must have an optimal “stretch”; a perfect synergy between themselves and a perfect match with the corporate KEF, vision and corporate strategies (as well as with corporate DCI and corporate mission statement).

To achieve its strategic objectives, an ideal company develops and implements strategic corporate plans – financial and operational – with detailed comments and explanations (typically referred to as a business plan). These plans also must have an optimal “stretch”; a perfect synergy between themselves and a perfect match with your KEF, your DCI, corporate vision and mission statements and your corporate strategies. 

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