Thursday, December 11, 2014

‘TO BE’ Description Components

Description of the desired (‘TO BE’) situation is structurally identical to the description of your current (‘AS IS’) situation and consists of the following components:

1.      A comprehensive system of corporate object maps (CCOM and decomposition diagrams), that visualize all desired key corporate objects and structure them into a coherent system
2.      A comprehensive system of IDEF0 diagrams, that visualize all desired key corporate processes and structure them into a coherent system. As BDL is an object-oriented language, these processes (‘methods’) are attached to the corresponding objects

3.      A comprehensive database of desired corporate objects, which includes object descriptions, valuation models, decomposition diagrams (if applicable), KPI values, performance scores, aggregate performance indices, ACRC and links to all object-related corporate documents. This database is accessed – obviously – via object scorecards (APS and KPIS)

4.      A comprehensive database of desired corporate processes, which includes process descriptions (including subprocesses, inputs, outputs, controls, tools and personnel), valuation models, decomposition diagrams (if applicable), KPI values, performance scores, aggregate performance indices, ACRC and links to all process-related corporate documents. This database is accessed – obviously – via process scorecards (APS and KPIS)

5.      Final object- and process improvement plans (financial and operational) integrated into the preliminary company-wide improvement plan

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