Monday, December 8, 2014

Corporate Cockpit

Corporate Cockpit is sort of a ‘Holy Grail’ for the field of information- and knowledge management technologies. The ‘corporate cockpit problem’ is stated as follows:

How to give every employee in an organization easy access to all knowledge and tools that they need to make the best possible decisions in their responsibility areas?

Solution to this problem (that BDL provides) consists of two components: (1) a comprehensive corporate knowledge base that I cover in Part III; and (2) a uniform interface into this knowledge base (corporate cockpit proper).

Corporate cockpit has three major screen – corporate, object and personal. 

Corporate screen presents the whole comprehensive corporate objects map (CCOM) and gives access – via CCOM and object decomposition diagrams – to all objects, CBAQ and KPI in all responsibility areas of the employee in question. Obviously, on an all-important ‘need-to-know’ basis.

Object screen gives access to all components of object description, analysis, performance measurement and management: scorecards (and thus CBAQ and KPI), decomposition diagrams; dashboards, performance improvement plans, etc.

Personal screen contains to-do list, daily schedule, individual plan, list of documents to work on, news & articles to read, and messages and alerts generated by a comprehensive corporate knowledge base. Thus, Corporate Cockpit ensures a perfect vertical correlation between strategic corporate objectives and everyday activities of corporate employees and managers.

In addition, personal screen contains links to personal responsibilities, personal KPI, internal and external knowledge sources and search engines and ad-hoc query generators. 

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