Thursday, December 11, 2014

Key Steps in Describing ‘TO BE’ Situation

Describing your ‘TO BE’ situation takes similar steps to describing your ‘AS IS’ situation. These steps are broken down into the same nine sections:

1.      Structural section

2.      Strategic section

3.      Financial section

4.      Stakeholders section

5.      Marketing section

6.      Operations section

7.      Communications section

8.      Knowledge management section

9.      Human capital section

Unlike the ‘AS IS’ description (which can and must be done concurrently after the Structural Section), the ‘TO BE’ description is done consecutively, using the ‘AS IS’ description and the description of your ‘ideal company’ as two starting points.

As most obstacles and limitations are inside you, not outside, you can expect your ‘TO BE’ (desired) condition of your business entity to be much closer to your ‘ideal company’ than to your actual situation.  

It must be noted that the description of your ‘TO BE’ condition already includes some elements of a formally subsequent stage in your quantum leap project – strategic corporate reengineering (SCR). Why? Because it includes development not only of blueprints for the desired objects, but of some of the objects themselves (DCI, corporate mission and vision statements, corporate strategies, etc.)

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