Tuesday, December 30, 2014

CBMK and CBMK Portal

The fundamental CBMK objective is to accumulate, structure and make available to all corporate managers and professionals worldwide all key public outer knowledge necessary and sufficient for managing all corporate objects and processes (and, obviously, for maximizing their performance) in their responsibility areas.

This knowledge includes the following components (for each corporate object):

  • Core CBMK Sections
ü  Object Management Guide
ü  Object-Related Business Processes (‘methods’)
ü  Key Performance Indicators for the object in question
ü  Frequently Asked Question about managing this object
ü  Comprehensive Business Audit Questionnaire for this object
ü  Glossary
ü  Document Templates for managing this object
  • Additional Sections
ü  Articles/papers
ü  Software for object management
ü  Books on managing the object in question
ü  Object-related case studies
ü  Experts in object management
ü  Education programs (academic and short-term)
ü  Other resources on object management
All this knowledge will be available free of charge – via CBMK Portal - to all entrepreneurs, investors, and qualified management professionals, educators and students (CBMK will make money as an advertising platform) worldwide (CBMK Portal will be offered in all major languages). A very attractive advertising platform given its audience.

It is very important that CBMK will be a dynamic, ‘live’ system as it will be constantly updated. Which will guarantee that it will always contain the most up-to-date, accurate and valuable corporate management knowledge. 

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