Saturday, December 6, 2014

Aggregate Performance Scorecard

Aggregate Performance Scorecard (APS) is used to analyze performance of an object (or process) using object-related questions from the CBA Questionnaire (CBAQ). For those objects that do not have their separate KPI (e.g. mission or vision statements), this is the only scorecard used for object performance analysis. For other objects, it has to be used in combination with another scorecard – KPI Scorecard.

APS is essentially a worksheet that contains (a) the scorecard proper; (b) the ACRC section; (c) financial & operational performance improvement plan structured as a simple Gantt chart; and (d) links to all object-related documents (both documents proper and information/knowledge mining queries). The core of APS is a comprehensive questionnaire for a comprehensive analysis of the object in question (business system structure, corporate vision, strategies, brands, etc.).

To perform CBA with APS, you will need to answer each question (using the Analysis field) and – based on this analysis - assign a performance score (PS). In the process, linking all relevant corporate documents to corresponding questions and to the whole object. 

After that, APS will calculate – based on individual PS – the Aggregate Performance Index (API) for the whole object in question. The analyst will then complete Conclusions, Recommendations and Comments sections – for each question and for the whole object. And – based on these recommendations – develop operational and financial plan template (in the form of a Gantt chart) for maximizing aggregate object performance.

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