Friday, December 5, 2014

Key BDL Components

As I mentioned earlier, these components form the BDL vocabulary (its ‘grammar’ is formed by the ’18 rules’ presented in the previous sections). BDL consists of the following ten components:

1.      Visual diagrams (or ‘maps’), which include (a) Comprehensive Corporate Objects Map – ‘Level 1’;  (b) decomposition diagrams – Levels 2, 3, 4 and so on; and (c) IDEF0 diagram which is used for visualization (‘visual modeling’) of business processes

2.      Object performance scorecards Aggregate Performance Scorecards (APS) and KPI Scorecards (KPIS)

3.      Performance Scores (PS) and Aggregate Performance Indices (API) for corporate objects and processes

4.      Questions from CBA Questionnaire

5.      Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for corporate objects and processes – financial, functional and emotional

6.      IRACORACI (financial value generation) statements

7.      FEV (functional and emotional value generation) statements

8.      Financial valuation models for corporate objects and processes

9.      ACRC (analysis, conclusions, recommendations and comments)

10.  Financial, operational and business plans for maximizing performance of individual objects and the synergy between them

As you can see, these ‘ten components’ do, indeed, form a uniform corporate language for describing corporate objects and processes regardless of functional area. 

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