Monday, December 29, 2014


The first stage of the strategic corporate reengineering (SCR) project requires development of a detailed description – visual and textual – of a desired (‘TO BE’) business system. The visual part of this description is a necessary and sufficient set of corporate objects (business units, brands, products, assets, clients, other stakeholders, etc.) structured with corporate object diagrams (‘maps’).

It makes sense, instead of building and structuring this set each time ‘from scratch’, to assemble it from a standard corporate objects repository (SCORE). This repository, obviously, must be developed using the best management practices (for each type of the organization and for each industry) and BDL as a description and structuring methodology.

Currently, BDL is the only workable methodology for developing a truly comprehensive and uniform SCORE for all industries and all categories of organizations. Development of an alternative methodology is a highly risky endeavor – it will either take too much time and effort or may not be feasible at all.

Therefore, for any organization – software vendor, management consultant and a business school – it makes much more sense to accept SCORE developed and offered by its owner than to try to develop a competing methodology and SCORE. Which will automatically make the original SCORE, SCORE-based software and SCORE developer a natural monopoly in all three markets – management consulting, corporate computing and corporate management education. 

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