Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Essence of the Corporate Cockpit Revolution

1.      Every organization (business, government, NGO) will be able to double, triple, even quadruple (i.e., make a quantum leap) in its corporate performance

2.      Every organization will be able to implement a true kaizen (continuous improvement) system that will make sure that the organization in question operates at its maximum possible performance at all times
3.      Every organization will be able to become a truly lean organization that includes only those objects (products, assets, employees, functional units, etc.) absolutely necessary and sufficient to operate at its maximum performance

4.      Every organization will be able to become completely transparent to its owners, managers, specialists and other employees on a ‘need-to-know’ basis

5.      Every organization will be able to deploy a comprehensive (but lean!) KPI system that will make corporate performance completely measurable and manageable

6.      Every organization will be able to give its managers and professionals easy, comfortable, natural and uniform access to all knowledge and tools that they need to make and execute (in the most efficient ways) the best possible decisions (and thus to maximize their performance) in their responsibility areas

7.      Every organization will be able to deploy a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base accessible via a natural and uniform interface on a need-to-know basis

8.      Every organization will be able to achieve a perfect horizontal and vertical coordination and a perfect synergy between its components

9.      Every organization will be able to make happy all of its stakeholders (internal and external) and thus transform itself into a happy organization
10.  This corporate cockpit revolution will radically restructure all industries and marketplaces and will have a very positive impact on a global economy

11.  This revolution will have an especially profound impact on entrepreneurship, direct equity and venture capital investing, entrepreneurship, management consulting, management education and information- and knowledge management

12.  Therefore, this corporate cockpit revolution will result in a radical increase in corporate performance similar to the one caused by the personal computing revolution, the Internet revolution and the mobile computing revolution and far larger than the one caused by the social networking revolution, ‘Big Data’ or cloud computing

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