Thursday, September 11, 2014

Corporate Cockpit Impact on Entrepreneurs & Startups

CCTT will make a no less radical change in all entrepreneurial and startup activities. The essence of entrepreneurship is turning a business idea first into a startup company and then into a powerful money-making machine. Entrepreneur attempts to accomplish this objective either by himself/herself (using his/her own savings and/or loans from banks or other creditors) or by partnering with a venture investor that provides the necessary startup capital. As none of these parties is an expert in designing and implementing business management systems (and management consulting services are either too expensive, time-consuming or outright unavailable), startup failure rate is currently very high (according to The Wall Street Journal, 75-90%).  

CCTT radically changes this unattractive picture by adding the third professional into the partnership – the business engineer. Armed with CCTT, this specialist will work with the entrepreneur from day 1 (starting with the pure idea) helping the latter gradually build the powerful money-making machine from the original business idea. As well as assisting in negotiations with lenders, venture capitalists, strategic buyers and the like.

Therefore, to the vast majority of entrepreneurs, engaging the services of a business engineer (or at least obtaining the startup edition of CCTT) will become a matter of life and death (for his/her business, that is). Which will create skyrocketing global demand for business engineers, business engineering services and startup editions of Sophie. Making business engineering a very fast-growing industry.

Business engineering services will be provided mostly by business incubators – either by themselves or via contracts with freelance business engineers, boutique management consulting (business engineering) companies or business engineering departments of full-service strategic management consulting companies. Some venture investment funds (of the active investment management variety) might also want to set up business engineering department to exercise full control over their portfolio companies.

With CCTT, instead of the current business plan which is very seldom implemented ‘as is’, the entrepreneur (assisted by a business engineer) will be able to develop a comprehensive blueprint for a startup company (complete with the appropriate business objects, processes, KPI and ‘corporate cockpits’ for managers and professionals) which will be far easier for a venture capitalists to evaluate (and ‘buy’).

In essence, CCTT will make it possible for an entrepreneur, venture investor, business engineer and possibly the lender very efficiently work together to transform the business idea into a powerful money-making machine. Which will inevitably result in a dramatic increase of startup survival rate (from current 10-25% to 75% and quite possibly even 90%). With the corresponding no less dramatic drop in a waste of money, effort and other resources.

Startups are not limited to the business world; you can find them everywhere – in government (new agencies at the local, state/provincial and federal level); NGO/NCO – new organizations; academia – new universities, institutes, research outfits, etc. These startup also suffer a high failure rate and thus will benefit significantly from CCTT (provided via government, NGO and other appropriate editions of Sophie) and corporate engineering assistance provided by freelance consultants and specialized management consulting companies (or departments of full-service consulting companies). 

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