Friday, September 12, 2014

Corporate Cockpit Impact on the Global Economy

CCTT will make a tremendous – and very positive! – impact on a global economy:

1.        Radical improvement in needs satisfaction. The fundamental objective of a global economy is to satisfy the needs – financial, functional and emotional – of individuals worldwide by providing these individuals with the corresponding products and services. Currently the world is not transparent enough for organizations – businesses, government entities, NGO, etc. – to have the knowledge of these needs to satisfy them to the fullest possible extent. CCTT will make this world radically more transparent which will allow organizations to get a much better understanding of these needs and therefore to satisfy them to much better extent.

2.        Radical improvement in utilization of resources.  Even when organizations do know the needs of their clients/customers (and other corporate stakeholders), they still need to use their resources (financial, material, human, etc.) efficiently to satisfy these needs – in order to avoid waste of valuable resources. Unfortunately, organizations have three major problems - inefficient corporate structure (missing and excessive objects, etc.), inefficient objects and processes and low synergy between corporate objects – that cause enormous waste of these resources. CCTT solve these problems by (a) making it possible to develop (via CBA and SCR) optimal corporate structure and (b) maximizing both the performance of individual objects and processes and their synergy – and thus radically decreasing waste of valuable resources and radically improving their utilization.

3.        Significant increase in GDP worldwide. Radical improvement in satisfaction of needs of individual and a drastic reduction of waste of valuable resources will no less radically increase economic value, created in the global economy. In other words, GDP worldwide. In still other words, it will speed up economic growth worldwide.

4.        Significant reduction in budget deficit and government debt. Economic growth means higher profits for businesses and higher incomes for employees. Which means more taxes for the government – local, state/provincial and federal. Which will reduce budget deficit and the need for the government to borrow money. And if the government runs budget surplus, it will give it more financial resources to pay off its debt

5.        Significant reduction in unemployment. Reduction of waste means that organizations will have more financial resources to expand their operations. Which means that they will need more employees. And more employees means less unemployment. Worldwide.

6.        Prevention of future economic crises. Thorough analysis of global financial and economic crises demonstrates that they were caused by (a) insufficient or incorrect knowledge by decision-makers in business and government about macroeconomic situation; (b) bad analysis of information and knowledge that they did have;  (c) bad decisions by top managers of business, government and self-regulating bodies and (d) poor execution of good decisions. These were, in turn, caused by the ‘usual culprits’ – inefficient corporate structures; low efficiency of corporate objects and processes; low synergy between corporate objects and very low efficiency of corporate information/knowledge management systems. CCTT will remedy this dire situation and prevent future economic crises by (a) making it possible to develop (via CBA and SCR) optimal corporate structure; (b) maximizing both the performance of individual objects and processes and their synergy and (c) develop a comprehensive corporate knowledge base. Which will radically improve macroeconomic knowledge as well as quality of making and executing corporate decisions. 

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