Make sure that an organization has all objects
necessary for operating at the highest possible performance and that these
objects are structured in the most coherent and logical way
Make sure that there are no excessive objects in
an organization
Make sure that every object has exactly the
right set of KPI necessary and sufficient to adequately measure its aggregate
Make sure that all relevant information (knowledge)
about every object and corporate process is visible to the appropriate
decision-maker (object or process manager)
Make sure that every object operates at its
highest possible efficiency (measured by the object-related KPI)
Make sure that the synergy between corporate
objects is maximized at all times
Make sure that every corporate manager and
specialist has access via his/her computer screen to all knowledge necessary
and sufficient (not too much, not too little) to make and execute the best
possible decisions in their responsibility areas
Make sure that managers and professionals from
all functional areas in an organization (marketing, finance, operations,
personnel, IT, etc.) speak the same language based on the key concepts of
corporate objects, processes, KPI, stakeholders and performance
Make sure that all managers and specialists in
an organization have all tools and knowledge necessary and sufficient to
coordinate their decisions and actions in the most efficient way
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