To put it very simply, every organization will adopt CCTT because
the latter will (1) make it possible for the organization in question to make
much bigger quantum leap in corporate performance than any other corporate
management technology and (2) because it will solve all key corporate management problem much better than any
More specifically:
Total corporate
transparency. CCTT will make all
corporate objects and processes visible
and measurable to managers and professionals responsible for the
corresponding objects. Which will immediately allow to measure and maximize the
performance of every corporate object and process; synergy between objects and thus
the aggregate performance of the whole organization. As well as radically
reduce waste and fraud.
lean organization. CBA and SCR will ensure that the organization in
question possesses only the objects (brands, products, employees, assets,
functional units, documents, etc.) absolutely
necessary and sufficient for maximization of its corporate performance and
none of the unneeded ones. Which is exactly the definition of a truly lean
corporate knowledge base. By attaching corporate documents and queries to
corresponding objects, CCTT makes sure that only those are stored and disseminated
that are both necessary and sufficient for maximizing aggregate corporate performance.
Which takes care of both problems that plague practically every corporate
information system: (a) ‘information lacunas’ – lack of necessary information
and (b) ‘information noise’ – overloading corporate managers and employees with
unnecessary information.
cockpit proper. CCTT provides every corporate employee (manager and
professional) with a uniform and easy access (via corporate cockpit on a
computer screen) to all knowledge and
tools that they need to maximize their performance in the corresponding
responsibility areas.
horizontal and vertical coordination of activities in the organization. CCTT
make sure that activities of all of corporate employees are properly
coordinated by (a) placing on every computer screen the ‘big corporate picture’
– the general corporate objects map and (b) integrating object performance
improvement plans (and thus activities of individual managers and specialists) into
a comprehensive corporate operational plan. The ‘big corporate picture’ ensures
that every corporate employee sees (a) the big picture; (b) his/her place in
this picture and (c) his/her relationships and dependencies on his/her colleagues.
improved employee evaluation and motivation system. CCTT allow to both
collect, structure and make available a comprehensive information of employee
‘buttons’ and on the objects (and their KPI) in responsibility areas of an
employee in question. This knowledge allows to develop and implement a highly
personalized evaluation, compensation and motivation system for every corporate
employee. Such a system will ensure maximization of the performance of every
manager and specialist in the organization.
of the ‘Babylon effect’. CCTT ensures that managers and professionals from
all functional areas in an organization (marketing, finance, operations,
personnel, IT, etc.) speak the same language based on the key concepts of
corporate objects, processes, KPI, stakeholders and performance by implementing
a uniform corporate cockpit solution
for every functional area based on CCTT and exactly these concepts
organization’. CCTT will make it possible to identify the aggregate needs –
financial, functional and emotional – of all
corporate stakeholders (owners/investors, clients/customers, suppliers,
partners, etc.) and build a corporate structure (objects and processes) that
will satisfy these needs to the fullest. Which is the practical definition of happiness. Therefore, the organization
in question will make all of its stakeholders happy and thus will have the
right to be called a ‘happy organization’.
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