Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Why Every Investment Manager Will Adopt CCTT

To put it simply, every venture- and direct/private investment manager will adopt CCTT because the latter will radically increase return on their investments.

More specifically:

1.        Investment management is all about managing knowledge (gathering, uncovering, synthesizing, structuring, etc.) about investment targets and using this knowledge to make investment decisions with the ultimate objective of maximizing return on these investments. Active investors use this knowledge to make corrective actions in managing their investments. The more efficient are their knowledge management tools and technologies, the more efficient is their investment management and the higher is their investment return.

2.        CCTT makes it possible to build a truly comprehensive knowledge base on potential investment targets and provides a uniform an easy-to-use interface into this knowledge base. Which allows investors to make much more informed investment decisions. Which, in turn, radically increases the quality of these decisions and thus the return on these investments.

3.        With CCTT (more specifically, SCORE), instead of a ‘classic’ business plan, an entrepreneur will be able to develop a comprehensive blueprint for his/her business venture – complete with all key corporate objects, processes, KPI, documents, etc. Compared to the ‘classic’ business plan, this blueprint is radically more comprehensive and far easier for the venture- or direct equity investor to analyze and make much more informed venture investment decisions.

4.        CCTT will make it possible to form a partnership between company owners and managers, venture/direct equity investoWhy Every Investment Manager Will Adopt CCTT8.        CCTT will significantly decrease risks and increase returns on venture- and direct investment management. Therefore, more money will flow into venture- and direct equity investment funds which will make a significant – and positive – impact on new business development and GDP growth.

9.        This will create a skyrocketing demand for investment editions of CCTT (including the Sophie software) and for CCTT-literate investment professionals – as well as for CCTT-based education and training programs in investment management.

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