Saturday, September 13, 2014

Key Statements on Corporate Cockpit

1.        Corporate Cockpit Technologies & Tools (CCTT) have been developed with but one objective in mind – to help organizations worldwide – businesses, government entities, NGO, etc. – make a quantum leap in their corporate performance (preferably, by the order of magnitude).

2.        CCTT are based of 15 year – long research in corporate management technologies which resulted in a fundamental discovery: any organization (business enterprise, government entity, NGO/NCO, academic institution, etc.) is conceptually identical to an aircraft. Indeed, an aircraft has components, physical processes, passengers, pilots, technicians, regulators and airport authorities – an organization has corporate objects and processes; clients and other stakeholders; managers and specialists. An aircraft has a ‘glass cockpit’ for its pilots; an organization has a personalized ‘corporate cockpit’ for each manager and specialist.

3.        CCTT include a comprehensive performance analysis questionnaire for each corporate object, process and their synergy; standard repository of corporate objects, processes and their KPI; corporate objects’ and process maps; comprehensive object analysis scorecards, object KPI scorecards integrated into Sophie software product.

4.        These tools and technologies allow corporate managers and consultants to make a quantum leap in corporate performance by (a) conducting a comprehensive corporate performance analysis; (b) performing a strategic corporate reengineering of an organization in question and (c) set up a permanent improvement (kaizen) that ensures that this organization always operates at the highest possible efficiency.

5.        More specifically, CCTT make it possible to identify missing and excessive corporate objects; structure objects and processes in the most coherent and uniform way; develop a comprehensive corporate cockpit solution based on a comprehensive corporate knowledge base; ensure that every corporate object and process operates at the highest possible efficiency and that the synergy between corporate objects is maximized; make sure that managers and professionals in all functional areas speak the same language and that their decisions and actions are perfectly coordinated

6.        Arguably the most significant impact of CCTT on corporate management worldwide is establishment of a natural monopoly on corporate management technologies. In this particular context, natural monopoly means that it makes practical (operational and economic) sense to have just one such system to be used by organization and management consultants to make a quantum leap in corporate performance via CBA and SCR.

7.        CCTT will produce a profound, global and very positive impact on corporate management: radically increase corporate transparency; dramatically reduce fraud and waste of valuable resources; transform corporate entities into truly lean organizations; radically improve employee evaluation and motivation systems; achieve a perfect match between abilities and responsibilities of corporate employees and ultimately build ‘happy organizations’

8.        CCTT impact on global economy will also be profound and very positive: CCTT will enable a radical improvement in satisfaction of needs of individuals and organizations and a radical improvement in utilization of valuable resources – financial, material, human, etc. Which will lead to a significant increase in global GDP; a no less significant reduction in unemployment, budget deficit and government debt and will even help to prevent financial and economic crises in individual nations and in a global economy.

9.        In addition to corporate management and the global economy, CCTT will make a global, profound and very positive effect on other areas and industries: entrepreneurs & startups, management consulting, investment management, information & knowledge management technologies and management education. 

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