Monday, September 8, 2014

CCTT and a Quantum Leap in Corporate Performance

1.        Corporate analyst/engineer identifies missing corporate objects in an organization in question using a system of corporate object maps (COM) and makes recommendations on adding these objects using both the COM and standard corporate object repository (SCORE) – part of a Sophie software product

2.        Corporate analyst identifies excessive corporate objects in an organization in question using a system of corporate object maps (COM) – also part of a Sophie software product

3.        Corporate analyst structures all key corporate objects in the most coherent and logical way using a system of corporate object maps (COM)

4.        Corporate analyst makes sure that every corporate object in an organization in question has exactly the right set of KPI by using the standard corporate object repository (SCORE) which contains both general and category- and industry-specific objects and their KPI – customizable for a specific organization

5.        Corporate analyst/engineer ensures that every corporate manager and specialist has access via his/her computer screen to all knowledge necessary and sufficient to make and execute the best possible decisions in his/her responsibility areas by deploying a comprehensive, personalized and customized corporate cockpit solution for the organization in question. This solution is based on the Sophie software product and includes all CCTT components: CPAQ, SCORE, COM, CPM, COAS and KPIS.

6.        Corporate analyst/engineer ensures that every object operates at its highest possible efficiency by (a) measuring its current efficiency (AS IS) using the corresponding scorecards - COAS and KPIS; (2) specifying – together with the object manager – the desired KPI values (TO BE) and (3) developing – again with the object manager – financial and operational plans for maximizing the aggregate performance of the object in question

7.        Corporate analyst/engineer makes sure that the synergy between corporate objects is maximized at all times by (a) measuring synergy AS IS using the synergy-related KPI and (b) developing and implementing financial and operational plans for maximizing the synergy between corporate objects

8.        Corporate analyst/engineer ensures that managers and professionals from all functional areas in an organization (marketing, finance, operations, personnel, IT, etc.) speak the same language based on the key concepts of corporate objects, processes, KPI, stakeholders and performance by implementing a uniform corporate cockpit solution for every functional area based on CCTT and exactly these concepts

9.        The organization makes sure that activities of all of its managers and professionals are properly coordinated by (a) placing on every computer screen the ‘big corporate picture’ – the general corporate objects map and (b) integrating object performance improvement plans (and thus activities of individual managers and specialists) into a comprehensive corporate operational plan. The ‘big corporate picture’ ensures that every corporate manager and professional sees (a) the big picture; (b) his/her place in this picture and (c) his/her relationships and dependencies on his/her colleagues. 

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