Thursday, September 11, 2014

Corporate Cockpit Impact on Information Technologies

CCTT will radically change the way data, information and knowledge are managed - worldwide.

1.        Focus on knowledge rather than on information or data. By definition, knowledge is information that has value. Financial or operational by making it possible to make better decisions and/or execute them in a more efficient way thus increasing the performance of a particular corporate object and of the organization. The need to maximize the performance of all key corporate objects and the synergy between them will determine the need for particular knowledge, information and data serving as a filter to drastically reduce the “information noise” and making sure there are no ‘information lacunas’ in the corporate information system.

2.        Crucial role of director for knowledge management. With CCTT, efficient knowledge management becomes the foundation for the quantum leap in corporate performance. Therefore, director for knowledge management becomes the key corporate executive and the second-in-command after the CEO.

3.        Comprehensive Corporate Knowledge Base as a corporate knowledge integrator. Standard corporate objects repository (SCORE) becomes the basis for building a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base (CKB). Thus, CKB will contain all knowledge, information and data (three levels of IT) necessary and sufficient to measure and maximize the performance of each corporate object and process, synergy between corporate objects and therefore of the whole organization. Thus radically reducing the ‘information noise’ and filling in all ‘information lacunas’.

4.        ‘Sophie’ as the core for the corporate knowledge management system. The fundamental objective of corporate knowledge management system is to (1) facilitate a quantum leap in corporate performance via CBA/SCR project and (2) keep corporate performance at its maximum at all times via kaizen system. To accomplish this objective, one needs to maximize the performance of each corporate object and process and their synergy. Which is accomplish mostly with Sophie software product. Which automatically makes the latter the core of the corporate knowledge management system.

5.        EOMS as a natural software monopoly. At the first stage of development of a comprehensive corporate knowledge management system, ‘Sophie’ assists in managing only the key high-level corporate objects using the output of other corporate management software via comprehensive corporate knowledge base. However, this is only an intermediate solution due to highly imperfect software- and data integration within the corporate knowledge management system. Therefore, it becomes imperative to deploy at the second stage the comprehensive Enterprise Objects Management System (EOMS) – a natural successor to current ERP systems – to be used for uniform and comprehensive management of all corporate objects and processes. EOMS will be offered as a family of SCORE-based specific editions for each type of organization (business, government, etc.) and each industry. And because SCORE is a natural monopoly, so will be EOMS.

6.        Comprehensive one-stop IT solution provider. Earlier we showed that organization will look for a strategic partner – a full-service strategic management consulting company that will serve as a general contractor for the CBA/SCR/Quantum Leap corporate performance maximization project. Likewise, organization will look for a strategic partner – a general contractor - that will supply a comprehensive IT (knowledge management) solution, including hardware, systems software, middleware, applications software (EOMS) and services. The company that could provide such a solution, will become a natural monopoly in the corporate management software (‘ERP systems’) market. And there is only one contender – Oracle Corporation.

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