Sunday, April 6, 2014

Free Comprehensive Business Analysis Tools

Free comprehensive business analysis tools that I would like to share with you, will allow you to measure, analyze and maximize performance of each of your corporate object (product, brand, asset, employee, etc.), business process and the synergy between your corporate objects. And thus – the performance of your whole company.

These tools are based on an object-oriented Business Description Language (BDL) that I have developed over the years in investment banking and strategic management consulting. BDL includes a number of diagrams – the most important being the Comprehensive Corporate Objects Map (CCOM) and scorecards – Aggregate Performance/Efficiency Scorecard (AES) and Object KPI Scorecard (KPIS).

Every day I will post a toolbox for one of the objects (or object portfolios) on CCOM. Each tool (toolbox component) will have its own blog post. Your feedback - comments, suggestions, recommendations, constructive criticism, etc. – will be greatly appreciated. You can find links to already posted tools in the Blog Archive section to the right of blog posts.

Each toolbox will include (1) brief management guidelines for an object in question; (2) a list of questions for a comprehensive object analysis; (3) list of object-related KPI; (4)scorecards for measuring, analyzing, and maximizing object performance and synergy between objects; (5) visual diagrams for object-related business processes and (6) all other object-related diagrams, tables and/or other documents.

You can find the key BDL diagram (corporate objects map) here; AES here and KPIS here. 

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