Thursday, January 15, 2015

Revolution in Entrepreneurship

1.      Instead of a ‘classic’ business plan (which in many cases is essentially useless), each entrepreneur will be able to develop (using corporate cockpit tools for business engineering) and present to a venture investor or lender a comprehensive and well-structured description (visual and textual) of a company he/she wants to build (“TO BE”) and a detailed financial and operational plan for building such a company

2.      This presentation will present a detailed description and a detailed business engineering plan for turning a business idea into a powerful money-making and financial value-generating machine

3.      This description and plans will be developed either by entrepreneur(s) who acquired business engineering knowledge and skills from books and/or training courses (offline and/or online) or in partnership with a business engineer provided by a business incubator, accelerator, training or consulting company (or even a venture investor)

4.      Business incubators, accelerators and startup consulting companies will focus on providing business startup engineering services

5.      Courses and programs in entrepreneurship will be transformed into courses in business startup engineering

6.      Entrepreneur, startup managers, business engineer and venture investor (if any) will work together on building a powerful money-making machine according to the “TO BE” blueprint, making a lot of money together

7.      Corporate cockpit tools and technologies will make startups completely transparent (visible, measureable and manageable) to entrepreneurs, corporate managers and investors, thus maximizing corporate performance and minimizing corporate risks (maximizing shareholders’ value and return on investment)

8.      At the exit stage (via IPO or an M&A transaction), the “TO BE” blueprint will be transformed into the “AS IS” description which will make the company completely transparent to the investor(s) thus significantly decreasing investment risks and thus no less significantly increasing sale price and return on investment

9.      This detailed description and solid business engineering plans will radically increase business startup survival rate and, therefore, the wealth of entrepreneurs and return on venture investments

10. Similar approach will be used to develop “TO BE” blueprints for government and NGO startups and to transform these blueprints into highly efficient organizations

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