Thursday, January 15, 2015

Revolution in Information and Knowledge Management

1.      Corporate information systems will be transformed into corporate knowledge management systems (KMS) and will focus on managing knowledge rather than just information or data.

2.      Corporate KMS will tightly integrate the internal knowledge (about the company in question) with the external knowledge (about the environment of the company in question) as well as the public and private knowledge

3.      Corporate KMS will tightly integrate the ‘outer’ knowledge (that resides in the corporate knowledge base) with the ‘inner’ knowledge (that resides in the heads of corporate employees)

4.      Organizations will tightly integrate their KMS with their corporate education/training systems

5.      Corporate KMS will essentially eliminate murderous information overload by filtering in only ‘lean’ knowledge necessary and sufficient for maximizing the performance of corporate objects and processes in responsibility areas of corporate employees

6.      Corporate KMS will completely eliminate painful information lacunas by including into the comprehensive corporate knowledge base all knowledge necessary and sufficient for maximizing the performance of corporate objects and processes in responsibility areas of corporate employees

7.      Corporate KMS will build a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base by connecting all ‘information islands’ into the ‘knowledge continent’ and will make it accessible via the uniform and natural interface (corporate cockpit proper) on a personalized ‘need-to-know’ basis

8.      The corporate KMS will give every corporate employee a uniform and natural access to all knowledge and tools to maximize their performance in their responsibility areas

9.      Corporate knowledge management and business automation systems will be assembled from standard objects and processes residing in industry-specific databases in the Standard Corporate Objects Repository (SCORE)

10.  Corporate knowledge management and business automation systems will be built around SCORE-based Enterprise Objects Management System (EOMS) – the next-generation; true ERP system

11.  Both SCORE and EOMS will become natural monopolies in corporate knowledge management and business automation systems market

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