Friday, January 16, 2015

Inevitability of the Corporate Cockpit Revolution

1.      Every organization (business, government, NGO, etc.) wants to maximize its performance; it is a basic human nature (see Maslow’s hierarchy) to be the best one can be

2.      Every organization can make a quantum leap in its performance as study after study (e.g. of the efficiency of corporate processes) clearly demonstrate that practically any organization operates at 5-25% of its maximum possible performance (due to highly inefficient corporate management paradigms, tools and technologies)

3.      Every organization must make a quantum leap in its performance. Companies that won’t, will be either acquired by those that will – or will simply go out of business. NGO are in the same boat as they compete for donations; and government entities are under severe pressures from all sides to maximize their performance

4.      The global economy is still in deep crisis; and the only way to get out of this crisis is to dramatically increase GDP growth worldwide. Which requires a quantum leap in corporate performance of businesses, government entities and NGO/NPO

5.      Over 50% (some studies say that up to 90%) of startups ultimately fail – mostly to inefficient business engineering tools and technologies (and lack of knowledge and skills)

6.      Neither strategic management consulting nor enterprise software deployment projects can bring about the quantum leaps in corporate performance – due to highly inefficient paradigms, tools and technologies used by consulting companies and software vendors

7.      Management education programs (both academic and short-term) also can not bring about the necessary quantum leaps in corporate performance – due to outdated paradigms, methodologies, tools and technologies offered by the instructors

8.      Corporate management system suffer from endemic lack of transparency, performance measurement and management problems, the ‘Babylonian effect’ and other problems

9.      Corporate information systems suffer from endemic information lacunas, information overload, ‘information islands’, data tombs and a myriad other problems

10.  The technologies for a quantum leap – the ‘corporate cockpit technologies’ are here; so are products and tools based on these technologies – and the new management paradigm

11.  The principals of the revolution – Oracle and Microsoft – are here; and have ample motive, means and opportunity to make this revolution happen

12.  The critical mass has been accumulated; therefore, the corporate cockpit revolution in corporate management, entrepreneurship, information technologies, management consulting and management education is inevitable

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