Friday, January 16, 2015

Revolution in Management Consulting

1.      No organization has the human resources or know-how to make a quantum leap all by itself; therefore, it will need the services of a competent strategic management consultant (creating skyrocketing demand for quantum leap consulting services for years to come)

2.      Therefore, in the next few years we will see an explosive growth of a strategic management consulting industry

3.      Strategic management consultants will offer comprehensive business analysis (CBA), strategic corporate reengineering (SCR) – the quantum leap proper; and development and deployment of kaizen – continuous improvement system

4.      Due to rapid (and often quantum) changes in its environment, practically any organization will have to make periodic radical reengineering to ‘stay on top’; therefore, it will have to form a strategic lifetime partnership (due to exorbitant switching costs) with one full-service strategic management consultant (the ‘general contractor’)

5.      General contractors (‘one-stop-shops’) will subcontract components of quantum leap projects to specialized consulting companies which will have to use the same paradigm, methodology, tools and technologies

6.      CBA and SCR are very information-intensive projects; therefore, a strategic management consultant will have to use a dedicated software product to successfully execute this project

7.      Development and deployment of kaizen requires (a) development of a comprehensive corporate knowledge base with the corporate cockpit interface; and (b) customization and deployment of another software product – Enterprise Objects Management System (EOMS)

8.      Therefore, every strategic management consultant will have to offer both consulting and software deployment (systems integration) services; which will inevitably lead to the merger of these two industries/markets into a single market for quantum leap services

9.      Established strategic management consulting companies are severely constrained by their legacy paradigms, methodologies and tools; therefore, this merger will be implemented by systems integrators developing (or acquiring) strategic management consulting capabilities

These integrators will belong to the network established by one of the major software vendors – Oracle or Microsoft – and will get complete support (technical, technological, promotional, etc.) of the latter – which will give them another competitive edge over the ‘classic’ management consulting companies (which will either merge with integrators or perish)

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