Friday, January 16, 2015

Revolution in the Global Economy

1.      Corporate Cockpit Revolution will result in a significant consolidation of every major industry. Those fast enough to make a quantum leap in their performance, will either acquire the slower rivals – or drive the latter out of business

2.      Human, financial and other resources made available as the result of this consolidation, will move to new industries and niches (including breakthrough technologies) identified and developed by now substantially more efficient entrepreneurs and startups

3.      Radically more efficient education and training programs (managerial and professional) will make no less radically easier for individuals to adapt to new jobs, organizations, industries, marketplaces and even countries

4.      Corporate cockpit revolution will make the global economy (as well as the individual ones) radically more transparent in terms of the needs (financial, functional and emotional) of individuals, households and organizations.

5.      This transparency will allow businesses, government entities and NGO/NPO to identify, understand and satisfy these needs much better than they do now. Making individuals, households and organizations much happier than they are today

6.      Corporate cockpit revolution will radically increase performance of organizations worldwide; which, in turn, will no less radically improve the efficiency of utilization of global resources – financial, material, human, etc. Which will automatically produce a very powerful (and very positive) effect on our environment

7.      Radical improvement in satisfaction of needs of individual and a drastic reduction of waste of valuable resources will no less radically increase economic value, created in the global economy. In other words, the GDP worldwide. In still other words, it will speed up economic growth worldwide

8.      Significant increase in economic growth combined with a radically more efficient government system will eliminate chronic budget deficits (without harming the economy or quantity & quality of services provided by the governments) and use the resulting budget surplus to bring currently skyrocketing government debt to manageable levels

9.      Reduction of waste and a radical increase in performance means that organizations will have more financial resources to expand their operations. Which means that they will need more employees. And more employees means less unemployment. Worldwide.

10.  A radically more transparent economy and radically more efficient organizations (businesses, government entities, NGO/NPO, academia, etc.) will make it possible to develop and implement safeguards that will prevent financial and economic crises

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