Saturday, January 17, 2015

Birth of a New Natural Monopoly

1.      Corporate cockpit methodology, tools and technologies are based on the object-oriented Organization Description Language (ODL). Object-oriented approach proved to be superior in software engineering and information systems engineering and now it proves to be far superior in engineering and reengineering organizations

2.      ODL was specifically designed to become a universal corporate language that will make employees from different functional areas in the organization (finance, marketing, IT, HR, etc.) understand each other and work together efficiently and to make managerial skills easily transferrable from one type of organization (business, government, NGO, academic, etc.) to another

3.      Therefore, having two or more such languages totally defies the very purpose of the universal language project. Besides, such breakthroughs as the universal business description language, are always made by committed entrepreneurs who spend years and even decades on inventing, developing and perfecting such tools

4.      Therefore, it will be far more practical and realistic for any individual and organization to adopt ODL and ODL-based tools and technologies rather than to try to develop alternatives. Which makes ODL and corporate cockpit a truly natural monopoly

5.      ODL allows to put together a comprehensive Standard Corporate Objects Repository (SCORE) that will contain standard objects and processes (based on best business and corporate management practices) for all types of organizations (business, government, NGO, academic, etc.) and all industries. All business and organizational systems then will be assembled (engineered) by selecting and putting together the right objects

6.      From compatibility standpoint (both internal and external), it makes no sense to have more than one SCORE. Therefore, the latter will become a natural monopoly as well

7.      As it makes no sense whatsoever to have two or more corporate knowledge management and process automation systems based on the same SCORE (it will be far more practical to use one such system and to contribute to its development), it will make such system (Enterprise Objects Management System) an automatic natural monopoly

8.      The whole purpose of the CBMK Portal project (the ‘MBA Killer’) is to create a single corporate management knowledge base to be used by all entrepreneurs, managers, consultants, investors, educators and students and in all management education programs. Therefore, it will make no sense to have more than one such knowledge base and portal (which will automatically make both of them very natural monopolies)

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