Thursday, March 13, 2014

Structure of the Blog & the Corporate Cockpit Book

To satisfy these fundamental corporate management needs, I have developed the Business Description Language (BDL) intended to satisfy exactly these needs. BDL includes diagrams that visualize all corporate objects and scorecards designed to measure, analyze and maximize performance of each corporate object; synergy between objects and efficiency of relationships with corporate stakeholders.

Using BDL as a foundation, I developed a software product – Comprehensive Business Analysis Workbench (CBAW). You can find the demonstration of this software here and its presentation here.
CBAW is built around the comprehensive system of corporate objects which will be used as a central reference point in both this blog and the upcoming e-book. 

This system is visualized on the Key Business Management Diagram (KBMD) which is a part of BDL. KBMD – together with its decomposition diagrams and two key scorecards – Aggregate Efficiency Scorecard (AES) and Object KPI Scorecard (KPIS) – will be covered in the next blog posts and in the introductory section of the e-book.

Each of the subsequent blog posts and book sections (I plan to post a new one every day) will cover the corresponding object or a portfolio of objects – products, brands, assets, clients, etc. – see the KBMD. The text in each blog post and in each book section will present detailed guidelines for measuring, analyzing/auditing and maximizing the aggregate performance of the object in question.  Including a comprehensive system of object-related KPI.

These guidelines will be accompanied by two free scorecards for the object in question – AES and KPIS. These free CBAW modules are implemented as stand-alone MS Excel workbooks which can be assembled – vial hyperlinks – into a comprehensive free CBAW edition. If you are interested in a more convenient, fully functional, MS SQL – based edition, you can purchase it as a stand-alone or Saas solution.

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