Saturday, March 15, 2014

Business System Re-Engineering Guide

In order to re-engineer your existing business system to maximize its aggregate performance, you must do the following:

1.        Start with the comprehensive business system template (you can find it here)

2.       Develop the key business diagram for an optimal business system by adapting this template for the specific needs of your company (TO BE)

3.       Develop the key business diagram for your existing business system (AS IS)

4.       Identify missing objects that need to be implemented (added to your existing business system)

5.       Identify excessive objects that need to be eliminated from your existing business system

6.       Perform analysis of a business system as an object using the COA questionnaire and AES and business system – related KPI (using KPIS)

7.       Develop and implement a detailed financial and operational plan for making a transition from AS IS to TO BE

You can find an IDEF0 diagram for the process of business system re-enginering here.

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