Friday, March 14, 2014

Object KPI Scorecard

Object KPI Scorecard (KPIS) – see here - has been designed to measure, analyze and maximize the aggregate performance of the corresponding corporate object. There are two ways to do that: (1) by analyzing values – benchmark, planned and actual – of object-related KPI; and (2) by performing the performance audit of the object in question using the Comprehensive Object Audit (COA) questionnaire. The first approach is executed using Object KPI Scorecard; the second – using the AES (covered in detail in the previous blog post and book section).

KPIS consists of three key sections – the KPIS proper (KPI section); performance improvement plan section and the documents section.

KPI section contains a comprehensive list of object KPI with their values broken by date. For each date, three values – benchmark, planned and actual. Based on these values, KPIS computes for each KPI its Performance Index (PI).

Using these PI, AES then computes Aggregate Efficiency/Performance Index (AEI) for the whole object in question. Full commercial version of CBAW allows its user to compute – from AEI of individual objects – the AEI for object portfolios (e.g. brands, products, assets, etc.) and for the whole business system (see the AEI computation diagram).

In addition to the questions, scores and PI, KPI section contains a so-called ‘ACRC section’. This section allows for a dynamic description of each corporate object as it contains the Analysis, Conclusions, Recommendations and Comments subsections for each object-related KPI.

Performance improvement plan section is essentially a simplified project management module that contains a combined financial and operational plan for maximizing the aggregate performance of the object in question. This plan contains specific activities assigned to specific employees; their start and finish dates and expenses/costs required to complete these activities within the required time frame.

The documents section contains links to documents (documents proper and SQL or Data Mining queries) related to the corresponding object-related KPI or the object in general. This section allows to develop a comprehensive corporate knowledge as all corporate documents will be connected to the right objects and assist in maximizing their individual performance and the synergy between corporate objects. Which is the fundamental objective – the ‘Holy Grail’ of corporate information and knowledge management.

You can view a brief PDF presentation on KPIS here.

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