Friday, March 14, 2014

Corporate Organization Chart

Corporate organization chart can be presented in two versions – as a hierarchy of either functional units (departments, divisions, groups, etc.) – associated with the ‘Organization Chart’ icon on KBMD or employees - associated with the ‘Personnel’ icon on KBMD. Thus, both diagrams are essentially decomposition diagrams for the corresponding KBMD objects/icons.

Each of the object icons on this decomposition diagram is associated with two object scorecards – AES and KPIS; and with detailed guidelines on measuring, analyzing and maximizing the efficiency of the corresponding object and the synergy between objects (and thus the overall efficiency of the organization chart in question).

Each functional unit and all key employees must also have the corresponding financial models (which are actually much more than simply budgets) designed to measure, analyze and maximize financial value created by the unit or employee in question. 

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