Friday, March 14, 2014

Corporate Happiness and a ‘Happy Company’

The company that satisfies the aggregate needs – financial, functional, emotional and spiritual – of all of its internal and external stakeholders (and thus creates the maximum amount of aggregate value both ways) can be rightfully labeled a ‘happy company’. As, indeed, happiness is achieved when all needs of an individual in question are satisfied to the fullest possible extent.

To transform itself into a ‘happy company’ and maximize its aggregate value, every business (or any other organization, for that matter) must (1) have the optimal structure – system of objects and processes; and (2) operate at highest possible efficiency measured by optimal values of all of its key performance indicators (KPI).

Hence, the ultimate objective of the Corporate Cockpit Collaborative project is to help as many business as possible (ideally, all of them) transform themselves into ‘happy companies’. 

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