Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fundamental Needs of Corporate Management

I started the CCCol project to satisfy the fundamental needs of corporate management. Hence, I need to start this blog by presenting and briefly discussing these needs.

Every corporate manager and employee needs a uniform and comfortable access to ALL knowledge that he or she needs to maximize his/her performance in the corresponding responsibility areas. In other words, they need complete corporate transparency. Top to bottom; left to right.

Which, in turn, requires both a comprehensive corporate knowledge base and a ‘Corporate Cockpit’ – a uniform interface into this knowledge base. Sort of a ‘Holy Grail’ for information and knowledge management technologies.

They need this knowledge to measure, analyze and maximize performance of each corporate object – product, service, asset, employee, etc. And the efficiency of relationship with each corporate stakeholder – client, partner, supplier, etc. As well as the synergy between corporate objects, resulting in maximization of overall corporate performance (measured by the corporate KPI). Which is, indeed, the fundamental objective of corporate management.

To achieve this very fundamental objective, company managers must develop an optimal system of corporate objects and their KPI. In other words, to perform a comprehensive corporate engineering (or re-engineering). 

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