Thursday, November 20, 2014

Questions for analyzing your corporate functional units

1.      How efficient is your corporate process for allocating CFU resources?

2.      How comprehensive is your description of your CFU system?

3.      How well-structured is your description of your CFU system?

4.      How accurate and up-to-date is your description of your CFU system?

5.      How comprehensive is your CFU system?

6.      How lean is your CFU system?

7.      How well-structured is your CFU system?

8.      How comprehensive is the structure of each CFU?

9.      How lean is the structure of each CFU?

10.  How well-structured is each of your CFU?

11.  How optimal is the distribution of corporate functions among your CFU?

12.  How optimal is the distribution of corporate objects among your CFU?

13.  How optimal is the distribution of corporate personnel among your CFU?

14.  How competent is each CFU manager?

15.  How competent is the personnel of each CFU?

16.  How solid is the financial plan (budget) for each CFU?

17.  How competent is your financial analyst?

18.  How solid is the operational plan for each CFU?

19.  How comprehensive is the KPI system for each CFU?

20.  How lean is the KPI system for each CFU?

21.  How competitive is each CFU with all outsourcing options? 

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