Wednesday, November 26, 2014


This is still another totally useless account. Why? Because it is just an accounting gimmick – nothing more (BAAP again). Goodwill is born after an M&A transaction in which one company acquires another, but pays more than the book value of the net assets of the latter (total assets - total liabilities). The difference between actual purchase price and this book value is goodwill.

Why BAAP? Because goodwill is not an asset in an economic sense. Unlike any other asset on your balance sheet, it does not generate financial value. It just ‘sits’ there – on your balance sheet. Doing nothing. It is not even amortized.

And it definitely has nothing to do with the intrinsic value of your company. Which is determined by your free cash flows and your WACC. None of which is influenced by your goodwill in any way. 

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