Monday, November 24, 2014

Gross Sales

This is where it all begins. This is the amount of money that your clients spend on your products and services and that determines your market share. This is the KPI that you specify as targets for your sales personnel, for your communications campaigns and as the first (top) line in your valuation 
models for brands, products, communications campaign and other sales-related objects and projects.

In order to analyze properly your gross sales, you will need to break it down by every dimension imaginable. By year, quarter, month, week (maybe, even day); by brand and product; by geographic region and location; by your sales rep, etc. This will obviously require a whole lot of decomposition tables and diagrams.

Your gross sales will need to be maximized, obviously. In reality, your whole company must work hard (i.e., at maximum performance) to maximize your sales, but your ‘frontline troops’ are obviously those involved in sales proper, CRM, UVP development, target market analysis, brand and product management, corporate communications and management of your core competencies and competitive advantages. 

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