How comprehensive is your SNP description?
How well-structured is your SNP description?
How accurate and up-to-date is your SNP
How solid is the financial model for your SNP?
How solid is the operational plan for your SNP?
How competent is your SNP financial analyst?
How well does your SNP operational plan match
the reality?
How well does your SNP motivate your customers
to purchase your products and services?
How efficient you corporate process of
generating financial value with your SNP?
10. How
valuable and attractive is your SNP content?
11. How
valuable and attractive are your SNP conversations?
12. How
well do your SNP content and conversations satisfy aggregate needs and desires
of your clients?
13. How
many SNP posts ‘go viral’?
14. How
powerful is the ‘viral epidemic’ for each SNP post?
15. How
good is the synergy between
structure, content, style and conversations of your SNP?
16. How
efficient are your feedback-generating process and tools?
17. How
efficient is your SNP – related market research?
18. How
powerful is the ‘itch’ for visiting your SNP created by your communications
19. How
efficiently does your SNP use SEO?
20. How
competent is your SNP design and development team?
21. How
competent is your SNP manager?
22. How
competent are your SNP ‘conversationalists’?
23. How
efficient is your SNP management process?
24. How
well does your SNP match your KEF?
25. How
well does your SNP match your DCI?
26. How
well does your SNP match your corporate mission statement?
27. How
well does your SNP match your corporate vision statement?
28. How
well does your SNP match your marketing strategy?
29. How
well does your SNP match your communications strategy?
30. How
well does your SNP match your information management strategy?
31. How
well does your SNP match your corporate culture?
32. How
well does your SNP match your corporate code of conduct?
33. How
efficient is your corporate process of monitoring your environment and changing
your SNP?
34. How
competitive is the content of your SNP?
35. How
competitive is the design of your SNP?
36. How
competitive are the interactions on your SNP?
37. How
competitive is your SNP overall?
38. How
well is your SNP integrated into your overall corporate communications system?
39. How
well is your SNP integrated into your overall strategic and operational
management system?
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