Saturday, April 5, 2014

Message to Management Professors/Instructors

  1. Your students aspire to become CEOs, entrepreneurs, management consultants, venture- or direct equity investors, investment bankers, etc.
  2. In any of these roles, they need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art comprehensive business analysis (CBA) tools and technologies - and the key word is comprehensive
  3. Therefore, you need to teach them these tools and technologies
  4. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools possess exactly such comprehensive capability as they provide the power to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  5. These tools and technologies are used to measure and analyze the overall performance of the company in question and to develop financial and operational plans for maximizing its performance (and thus its financial value)
  6. As a bonus, these tools and technologies – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to implement the kaizen – continuous improvement – principle to make sure that your company operates at its maximum performance at all times (and thus that its financial value is always maximized)
  7. As one more bonus, these tools and technologies will make it possible to (a) build a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base around a comprehensive system of corporate objects and process and (b) implement the ‘corporate cockpit’ – a uniform, comprehensive and easy-to-use interface into this knowledge base on a ‘need-to-know’ basis

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