Saturday, April 5, 2014

Message to Investment Bankers

  1. Regardless of whether you are working on a buy side or on a sell side, you still have to determine the intrinsic financial value of the company in question
  2. To come up with this value, you will need to conduct a comprehensive business analysis (CBA) of the company in question - and the key word is comprehensive
  3. To do this job – and to do it right - you will need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art CBA tools and technologies
  4. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools possess exactly such comprehensive capability as they allow you to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  5. You will use these tools to measure and analyze the overall performance of the company in question – and thus its intrinsic financial value

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