Thursday, October 30, 2014

Value of Corporate Cockpit Technologies to a Strategic Buyer

There are serious reasons to believe that ‘corporate cockpit’ technologies will be very valuable to two of the largest software companies – Oracle and Microsoft.

Very valuable, because acquisition of these technologies will make it possible for the buyer to become a dominant force – and in many ways even a natural monopoly – on the global corporate computing market. For Microsoft (and possibly for Oracle, too), it will make it #1 in the world in market capitalization.

Why do I think that these technologies will be so valuable to Oracle and Microsoft? Because the best way to become such a monopoly is to radically restructure the global corporate computing market – by introducing new revolutionary information and knowledge management technologies and products. I believe that I have developed exactly such technologies – ‘corporate cockpit’ – that I would like to offer to both Oracle and Microsoft.

In the corporate computing market there is enormous gap between the needs of corporate IT users and the solutions offered by IT vendors. By closing this gap with new revolutionary technologies and products, Microsoft/Oracle will oust all of its competitors from this market (as Microsoft/Oracle will be the only one offering such solutions). Thus capturing all the enormous cash flows from the corporate computing market which will radically increase Microsoft/Oracle cash flows, intrinsic value, stock price and market capitalization making it #1 in the world.

Numerous studies show that most (if not nearly all) organizations operate at 5% - 25% of their maximum possible performance. Hence, corporate owners and managers need tools & technologies to maximize corporate performance – and make it stay that way.

First of all, they need total corporate transparency – with all corporate objects (products, brands, assets, customers, etc.) and processes visible, measureable and manageable. Hence, they need IT tools to conduct a comprehensive corporate performance analysis and strategic corporate reengineering.

They also need to provide all corporate employees with access to all knowledge and tools they need to maximize their performance. In essence, they need to build a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base with a uniform and easy interface (‘corporate cockpit’).

There are no such tools or technologies in the market today. Which creates a unique opportunity for Microsoft/Oracle to conquer the corporate computing market and to become a natural monopoly in this market as well.

CCTT make it possible to develop software products that will close this gap by satisfying all abovementioned needs. In addition, CCTT allows to develop a Standard Corporate Objects Repository (SCORE) for organizations of all types (business, government, NGO, etc.) and all industries. SCORE will form the core and the foundation for the next-generation ERP-system – Enterprise Objects Management System (EOMS).

SCORE is both comprehensive and a natural monopoly (it makes no sense to have two competing systems of corporate objects and KPI). Therefore, EOMS will both offer a truly comprehensive solution for corporate automation and building a corporate knowledge base and its interface (‘corporate cockpit’ proper) and become a natural monopoly in the corporate computing market.

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