Sunday, October 19, 2014

Corporate Synergy Questions - Part II

Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

1.       How well does your UVP match your key external factors?

2.       How well does your UVP match your corporate vision statement?

3.       How well does your UVP match your corporate strategies?

4.       How well does your UVP match your key strategic objectives?

5.       How well does your UVP match your corporate strategic plans?

6.       How well does your UVP match the needs of your target markets?

7.       How well does your UVP match the needs of your corporate stakeholders?

Key Competencies

8.      Do your key competencies exhibit the highest possible synergy?

9.       How well do your key competencies match your key external factors?

10.   How well do your key competencies match your corporate vision statement?

11.    How well do your key competencies match your corporate strategies?

12.    How well do your key competencies match your key strategic objectives?

13.    How well do your key competencies match your corporate strategic plans?

14.    How well do your key competencies match your UVP?

Competitive Advantages

15.    How well do your competitive advantages match key success factors on your target markets?

16.    Do your competitive advantages exhibit the highest possible synergy?

17.    How well do your competitive advantages match your key external factors?

18.   How well do your competitive advantages match your corporate vision statement?

19.    How well do your competitive advantages match your corporate strategies?

20.   How well do your competitive advantages match your key strategic objectives?

21.    How well do your competitive advantages match your corporate strategic plans?

22.   How well do your competitive advantages match your UVP?

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