Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Prepaid Expenses

A Prepaid Expense is exactly what it looks like – a prepayment for goods and services that will be delivered in the next accounting period (usually next year or next quarter). Is it a good idea from the financial value perspective to make a ‘down payment’?

Well, if your credit rating is not good enough, you may simply have no choice. No one will sell you what you need if you do not make a prepayment – in part or in full. If you do have a choice, then it depends. If you get nice enough discount, it may be worth it.

In this case, you must (1) estimate the risk that your vendor will either not deliver at all or deliver something totally unacceptable – it happens and (2) compare all payment alternatives from overall financial efficiency perspective. And make payment decisions based on the result of these comparisons.   

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