Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Why Every Management Professional Will Use CBMK

1.        Earlier we have proved beyond the reasonable doubt that every organization – business, government entity, NGO, investment manager, management consultant, etc. will adopt CCTT
2.        Therefore, every corporate employee – manager or professional – will manage certain objects and processes in his/her responsibility areas. With the ultimate objective of maximizing the performance of these objects and processes and their synergy with other corporate objects

3.        To accomplish this objective, the corporate employee in question will need at his/her fingertips knowledge and guidelines on maximizing the performance of these objects and processes and their synergy with other corporate objects. At all times
4.        To provide corporate managers with this knowledge and guidelines, CCTT includes the appropriate knowledge base – Comprehensive Body of Managerial Knowledge (CBMK). Centered around Standard Corporate Objects Repository (SCORE) with the corporate cockpit – type interface

5.        CBMK is intended to serve as a tutorial, textbook and everyday reference for management professionals. It is based on SCORE and includes – for every standard corporate object – core and supplementary knowledge sections. It was designed to provide object manager with all knowledge and guidelines he/she will ever need to manage the object in question – measure and maximize its performance

6.        Core object knowledge sections include a comprehensive object management guide, KPI for the object in question; frequently asked question (FAQ) about managing this object; Comprehensive Performance Audit Questionnaire (CPAQ) for the object in question; glossary of object-related terms and templates for documents used in the process of managing the object in question

7.        Supplementary object knowledge sections include object – related articles/papers; software for object management;  books on managing the object in question; object-related case studies; contact information on experts in object management; education programs (academic and short-term) and other resources on object management

8.        CBMK is not set in stone. Instead, it is more like a living organism and thus must be constantly evolving and improving. Which requires acquisition and analysis of extensive user feedback – from corporate managers and professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, management consultants, systems integrators, software vendors, management instructors, etc. To make it possible, CBMK is offered as an Internet site – CBMK portal – available to all corporate management professionals worldwide, and including extensive comment and discussion tools, forums, social network, etc. 

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