Monday, September 8, 2014

Brief Description of Corporate Cockpit Technologies

Corporate Cockpit Technologies & Tools (CCTT) have been developed to assist organizations (businesses, government entities, NGO, academia, etc.) in making a quantum leap in their aggregate corporate performance. Specifically, to conduct a comprehensive corporate performance audit (CPA) and to perform a strategic corporate reengineering (SCR). To achieve this objective, we have developed the following tightly integrated components:

1.        Comprehensive Performance Analysis Questionnaire (CPAQ). This is a comprehensive questionnaire that allows to uncover all key management problems within an organization – missing and excessive corporate objects; poor quality-of-fit (synergy) between objects; inefficient corporate processes; information overload, information lacunas, poor coordination between managers and professionals, ‘Babylonian effect’, etc.

2.        Standard Corporate Objects Repository (SCORE). SCORE is a comprehensive database that contains standard corporate objects (bot general and category- and industry-specific) as well as object-related KPI and corporate processes. SCORE is used both at the CBA stage (to develop a customized CPAQ for a specific organization) and at the SCR stage – to assemble an optimized corporate structure from standard components fine-tuned for a specific organization. SCORE can also be used by entrepreneurs to assemble (‘engineer’) a corporate structure for a business startup.

3.        Corporate Objects Maps (COM). COM are used to structure corporate objects and object portfolios (such as products, brands, target markets, competitors, etc.) to create a comprehensive, uniform and easy-to-use system of corporate objects for a particular organization. You can find an example of COM for a system of corporate objects in Appendix I and for a portfolio of corporate products in Appendix II.

4.        Corporate Process Maps (CPM). CPM are diagrams used to visualize corporate processes. CPM are based on IDEF0 methodology included in the ISO system of standards. You can find a CPA example in Appendix III.

5.        Comprehensive Object Analysis Scorecards (COAS). COAS contain all questions used to perform a comprehensive performance analysis for a particular object (including its synergy with other objects). This scorecard has links to analysis, conclusions, recommendations and comments regarding maximizing object performance as well as to a detailed financial and operational performance maximization plan. You can find a COAS example in Appendix IV.

6.        KPI Scorecards (KPIS). KPIS structures values of all KPI related to a particular corporate object. It thus analyzes the performance of the object in question from the standpoint of KPI values (as opposed to questions in the COAS). Like COAS, KPIS has links to analysis, conclusions, recommendations and comments regarding maximizing object performance as well as to a detailed financial and operational performance maximization plan. You can find a KPIS example in Appendix V.

7.        Comprehensive Corporate Analysis Workbench (‘Sophie’). This is the software product that we developed to implement the abovementioned CCTT. From the software standpoint, this product – when deployed – supplies each manager and professional in an organization with his or her own corporate cockpit provided according to an all-important ‘need-to-know-principle’. You can find a demo version of ‘Sophie’ here.

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