Monday, September 22, 2014

What is Radically New in CCTT

1.        Radically new ‘aircraft’ paradigm (see above)

2.        Object-oriented approach. This approach has been very successfully used for many decades for software development and later for information systems analysis and design. In CCTT, it is no less successfully used for analysis and reengineering of complex corporate (organization) systems

3.        Structuring. CCTT offers a unique way to structure corporate objects (using visual diagrams – ‘corporate objects maps’ and ‘corporate process maps’); corporate processes (attached to the corresponding objects in full compliance with the object-oriented approach); corporate KPI and corporate documents (both actual documents and SQL, data mining and ‘big data’ queries). Like processes, documents and KPI are structured around the corresponding objects.

4.        Stakeholders and aggregate value. CCTT explicitly recognizes that an organization can operate at its top performance only if it satisfies the aggregate needs – financial, functional and emotional – of its stakeholders (owners/founders, clients/consumers, employees, suppliers, partners, government entities, etc.). And offers tools and technologies for measuring and maximizing the aggregate value – financial, functional and emotional – created for its stakeholders.

5.        Synergy. CCTT offers tools & procedures for measuring and maximizing synergy between corporate objects

6.        Comprehensive corporate performance analysis (CCPA). CCTT offers tools & procedures for conducting a comprehensive performance analysis for each corporate object: process; synergy between objects and for the whole organization in question. These tools include comprehensive performance analysis questionnaire (CPAQ), aggregate performance scorecard (APS) and KPI Scorecard (KPIS).

7.        Strategic corporate reengineering (SCR). CCTT offers tools & procedures for performing a comprehensive SCR aimed at maximizing aggregate corporate performance – including tools for designing an optimal corporate structure (‘TO BE’) and developing and modifying reengineering plans – financial and operational.

8.        Comprehensive corporate knowledge base. CCTT offers tools & technologies for building a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base (CCKB) that includes both structured and unstructured data – as well as ‘regular’ and ‘big’ data. CCKB can then be accessed via an easy-to-use uniform interface (corporate cockpit proper).

9.        Standard Corporate Objects Repository (SCORE). CCTT offers type- and industry-specific standard repositories of corporate objects, processes and their KPI. These repositories can then be used for conducting a CCPA and SCR and then for developing and executing performance maximization plans.

10.     Corporate Cockpit proper. CCTT offers a software product – codenamed Sophie – that makes it possible to provide every corporate employee (manager and professional) with a uniform and easy access to all knowledge and tools that they need to maximize their performance in the corresponding responsibility areas. From the software standpoint, this product – when deployed – supplies each manager and professional in an organization with his or her own corporate cockpit provided according to an all-important ‘need-to-know-principle’.

11.     ‘Happy organization’. By definition, happiness is the state, in which all aggregate needs – financial, functional and emotional – are completely satisfied. CCTT – using their Stakeholders’ Relationships Management (SRM) make it possible to uncover and satisfy these needs to the maximum possible extent thus making all of its stakeholders happy. And, therefore, to transform the entity in question into a happy organization. 

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