Saturday, March 15, 2014

Business System – Key COA Questions

As I stated earlier, comprehensive object analysis (COA) consists of two components that can (and should) be executed in parallel. First, object performance is analyzed using the corresponding questions from the comprehensive COA questionnaire and COAQ-based Aggregate Efficiency Scorecard (AES) for the business system. Second, it is analyzed by measuring and analyzing the benchmark, planned and actual values of object-related KPI.

To analyze the business system as a whole, you must find answers to the following questions (computing the question-related scores, PI and AEI, completing the ACRC sections and attaching all relevant corporate documents and queries):
  1. How comprehensive is the description of your business system?
  2. How logical is the description of your business system?
  3. How well-structured is the description of your business system?
  4. How easy-to-use is the description of your business system?
  5. How well does the description of your business system match the reality?
  6. How many "gaps' (missing projects and processes) are there in your business system?
  7. How many excessive objects are there in your business system?
  8. How well-structured is your business system?
  9. How competent is your business system engineer?
  10. How flexible and adaptable is your business system?
  11. How efficient is your business process for system improvement (kaizen)?
  12. How high is the synergy in your business system?
  13. How efficiently is system description used for strategic decision-making?

You can find the template AES for business system analysis here (AES Tab).

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