Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Free Comprehensive Business Analysis Tools

Free comprehensive business analysis tools that I would like to share with you, will allow you to measure, analyze and maximize performance of each of your corporate object (product, brand, asset, employee, etc.), business process and the synergy between your corporate objects. And thus – the performance of your whole company.

These tools are based on an object-oriented Business Description Language (BDL) that I have developed over the years in investment banking and strategic management consulting. BDL includes a number of diagrams – the most important being the Comprehensive Corporate Objects Map (CCOM) and scorecards – Aggregate Performance/Efficiency Scorecard (AES) and Object KPI Scorecard (KPIS).

Every day I will post a toolbox for one of the objects (or object portfolios) on CCOM. Each tool (toolbox component) will have its own blog post. Your feedback - comments, suggestions, recommendations, constructive criticism, etc. – will be greatly appreciated. You can find links to already posted tools in the Blog Archive section to the right of blog posts.

Each toolbox will include (1) brief management guidelines for an object in question; (2) a list of questions for a comprehensive object analysis; (3) list of object-related KPI; (4)scorecards for measuring, analyzing, and maximizing object performance and synergy between objects; (5) visual diagrams for object-related business processes and (6) all other object-related diagrams, tables and/or other documents.

You can find the key BDL diagram (corporate objects map) here; AES here and KPIS here. 

Comprehensive Corporate Objects Map

You can download this diagram (in MS Visio format) here:

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Questions to Investment Bankers

  1. Do you think that it is possible to radically (by a factor of 2-3-4-5) increase the efficiency of a comprehensive business analysis – an integral part of any corporate finance deal?
  2. How can it be done and what do you need to make it happen?
  3. Would you like to participate in an offline brainstorm for investment bankers on ways to radically increase the efficiency of a comprehensive business analysis?
  4. Would you like to participate in an online brainstorm for investment bankers on ways to radically increase the efficiency of a comprehensive business analysis?
  5. There is an online community that develops tools and technologies for a truly comprehensive business analysis for investment bankers, management consultants, entrepreneurs, CEO, investors, and the like. Would you like to join it?

Questions to Strategic Management Professors/Instructors

  1. Do you think that it is possible to radically (by a factor of 2-3-4-5) increase the efficiency of strategic management education?
  2. How can it be done and what do you need to make it happen?
  3. Would you like to participate in an offline brainstorm for strategic management professors and instructors on ways to radically increase the efficiency of strategic management education?
  4. Would you like to participate in an online brainstorm for strategic management professors and instructors on ways to radically increase the efficiency of strategic management education?
  5. There is an online community that develops tools and technologies for a truly comprehensive business analysis for management professors, instructors, consultants, entrepreneurs, CEO, investors, and the like. Would you like to join it?

Questions to Strategic Management Consultants

  1. Do you think that it is possible to radically (by a factor of 2-3-4-5) increase the aggregate performance and financial value of your client companies?
  2. How can it be done and what do you need to make it happen?
  3. Would you like to participate in an offline brainstorm for management consultants on ways to radically increase the aggregate performance and financial value of your client companies?
  4. Would you like to participate in an online brainstorm for management consultants on ways to radically increase the aggregate performance and financial value of your client companies?
  5. There is an online community that develops tools and technologies for a truly comprehensive business analysis for management consultants, entrepreneurs, CEO, investors, and the like. Would you like to join it?

Questions to Business Owners/Entrepreneurs/CEO

  1. Do you think that it is possible to radically (by a factor of 2-3-4-5) increase the aggregate performance and financial value of your company?
  2. How can it be done and what do you need to make it happen?
  3. Would you like to participate in an offline brainstorm on ways to radically increase the aggregate performance and financial value of your company?
  4. Would you like to participate in an online brainstorm on ways to radically increase the aggregate performance and financial value of your company?
  5. There is an online community that develops tools and technologies for a truly comprehensive business analysis for entrepreneurs, business owners, CEO, investors, management consultants and the like. Would you like to join it

Questions to Venture and Direct Equity Investors

  1. Do you think that it is possible to radically (by a factor of 2-3-4-5) increase the return on your investments?
  2. How can it be done and what do you need to make it happen?
  3. Would you like to participate in an offline brainstorm on ways to radically increase the overall ROI of the venture/direct investment fund?
  4. Would you like to participate in an online brainstorm on ways to radically increase the overall ROI of the venture/direct investment fund?
  5. There is an online community that develops tools and technologies for a truly comprehensive business analysis for investors, investment bankers, entrepreneurs, management consultants and the like. Would you like to join it?

Message to Investment Bankers

  1. Regardless of whether you are working on a buy side or on a sell side, you still have to determine the intrinsic financial value of the company in question
  2. To come up with this value, you will need to conduct a comprehensive business analysis (CBA) of the company in question - and the key word is comprehensive
  3. To do this job – and to do it right - you will need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art CBA tools and technologies
  4. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools possess exactly such comprehensive capability as they allow you to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  5. You will use these tools to measure and analyze the overall performance of the company in question – and thus its intrinsic financial value

Message to Management Professors/Instructors

  1. Your students aspire to become CEOs, entrepreneurs, management consultants, venture- or direct equity investors, investment bankers, etc.
  2. In any of these roles, they need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art comprehensive business analysis (CBA) tools and technologies - and the key word is comprehensive
  3. Therefore, you need to teach them these tools and technologies
  4. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools possess exactly such comprehensive capability as they provide the power to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  5. These tools and technologies are used to measure and analyze the overall performance of the company in question and to develop financial and operational plans for maximizing its performance (and thus its financial value)
  6. As a bonus, these tools and technologies – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to implement the kaizen – continuous improvement – principle to make sure that your company operates at its maximum performance at all times (and thus that its financial value is always maximized)
  7. As one more bonus, these tools and technologies will make it possible to (a) build a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base around a comprehensive system of corporate objects and process and (b) implement the ‘corporate cockpit’ – a uniform, comprehensive and easy-to-use interface into this knowledge base on a ‘need-to-know’ basis

Friday, April 4, 2014

Message to an Entrepreneur/Start-Up’er

  1. You started your business to make as much money as possible
  2. To accomplish this objective, you need to transform your and startup into a powerful money-making machine (business system), operating at top performance at all times
  3. To make this transformation, you will need to conduct a comprehensive business audit (CBA) of your startup followed by a strategic corporate engineering (SCE)
  4. To do this job – and to do it right – you will need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art comprehensive business analysis (CBA) and business engineering tools - and the key word is comprehensive
  5. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools give you exactly such comprehensive capability as they give you the power to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of your corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  6. Your employees – or your consultants - will use these tools to measure and analyze the overall performance of your company and to develop financial and operational plans for maximizing its performance (and thus its financial value)
  7. These tools – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to implement the kaizen – continuous improvement – principle to make sure that your company operates at its maximum performance at all times (and thus that its financial value is always maximized)
  8. To maximize the aggregate performance of your company, your managers and employees must make the best possible decisions and execute them in the best possible way
  9. To make it possible, they need to have easy and comprehensive access to all knowledge needed to make and execute these decisions
  10. BDL-based tools – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to (a) build a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base around a comprehensive system of corporate objects and process and (b) implement the ‘corporate cockpit’ – a uniform, comprehensive and easy-to-use interface into this knowledge base on a ‘need-to-know’ basis

Message to a Business CEO

  1. As the company CEO, you must make as much money as possible for the owners of your company
  2. To accomplish this objective, you need to transform your business into a powerful money-making machine (business system), operating at top performance at all times
  3. To make this transformation, you will need to conduct a comprehensive business audit (CBA) of your company followed by a strategic corporate restructuring/reengineering (SCR)
  4. To do this job – and to do it right – you will need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art comprehensive business analysis (CBA) tools - and the key word is comprehensive
  5. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools give you exactly such comprehensive capability as they give you the power to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of your corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  6. Your employees – or your consultants - will use these tools to measure and analyze the overall performance of your company and to develop financial and operational plans for maximizing its performance (and thus its financial value)
  7. These tools – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to implement the kaizen – continuous improvement – principle to make sure that your company operates at its maximum performance at all times (and thus that its financial value is always maximized)
  8. To maximize the aggregate performance of your company, your managers and employees must make the best possible decisions and execute them in the best possible way
  9. To make it possible, they need to have easy and comprehensive access to all knowledge needed to make and execute these decisions
  10. BDL-based tools – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to (a) build a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base around a comprehensive system of corporate objects and process and (b) implement the ‘corporate cockpit’ – a uniform, comprehensive and easy-to-use interface into this knowledge base on a ‘need-to-know’ basis

Message to Business Owners

  1. As the business owner, you want to make as much money as possible out of your investment in your business
  2. To accomplish this objective, you need to transform your business into a powerful money-making machine (business system), operating at top performance at all times
  3. To make this transformation, you will need to conduct a comprehensive business audit (CBA) of your company followed by a strategic corporate restructuring/reengineering (SCR)
  4. To do this job – and to do it right – you will need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art comprehensive business analysis (CBA) tools - and the key word is comprehensive
  5. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools give you exactly such comprehensive capability as they give you the power to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of your corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  6. Your employees – or your consultants - will use these tools to measure and analyze the overall performance of your company and to develop financial and operational plans for maximizing its performance (and thus its financial value)
  7. These tools – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to implement the kaizen – continuous improvement – principle to make sure that your company operates at its maximum performance at all times (and thus that its financial value is always maximized)
  8. To maximize the aggregate performance of your company, your managers and employees must make the best possible decisions and execute them in the best possible way
  9. To make it possible, they need to have easy and comprehensive access to all knowledge needed to make and execute these decisions
  10. BDL-based tools – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to (a) build a truly comprehensive corporate knowledge base around a comprehensive system of corporate objects and process and (b) implement the ‘corporate cockpit’ – a uniform, comprehensive and easy-to-use interface into this knowledge base on a ‘need-to-know’ basis

Message to Strategic Management Consultants

  1. Your job is to develop – and sometimes help implement – a corporate restructuring (reengineering) solution that will significantly (hopefully, radically) increase overall corporate performance of the company in question and thus its financial value
  2. To do your job – and to do it right – you will need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art comprehensive business analysis (CBA) tools - and the key word is comprehensive
  3. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools give you exactly such comprehensive capability as they give you the power to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies, etc.), processes and their KPI
  4. You will use these tools to measure and analyze the overall performance of the company in question and to develop financial and operational plans for maximizing this performance
  5. These tools – due to their comprehensive and dynamic nature - will make it possible to implement the kaizen – continuous improvement – principle to make sure that the company in question operates at its maximum performance at all times

Message to Venture and Direct Equity Investors

  1. You can radically increase the efficiency of your analysis of potential investment targets
  2. You can radically increase the ROI into your existing investments – your portfolio companies
  3. Thus, you can radically increase your overall ROI
  4. Managing your investments requires managing knowledge about your prospective and actual investments – discovery/gathering, structuring, analysis – and making the right investment decisions based on that knowledge
  5. Therefore, to radically increase your overall ROI, you will need to use the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art knowledge management tools (KMT) and products
  6. The key KMT are the comprehensive business analysis (CBA) tools - and the key word is comprehensive
  7. Business Description Language (BDL) and BDL-based tools give you exactly such comprehensive capability as they give you the power to develop and structure a truly comprehensive system of corporate objects (products, clients, partners, technologies), processes and their KPI
  8. You will use this system to gather, discover, structure and analyze the comprehensive knowledge about the business in question which will allow you to (a) make the right investment decision regarding a potential investment target and (b) undertake the right measures to maximize ROI from your existing investments – your portfolio companies
  9. Management of your portfolio companies will use ODL-based tools to measure, analyze and maximize the overall performance of their businesses thus maximizing their financial value and thus your ROI